Ferocious Dog -The Hope.
I was a late comer to FD. I only really started listening in 2020 when we were in lockdown. Pretty soon, I'd bought all the albums and eagerly awaited the release of The Hope.
And it really didn't disappoint. Every track- every track is great.
So to single out one track for this page is hard. The Hope itself just brings tears to the eyes. I've loved Will You since Hazel O'Connor released it, and we've been active supporters of Sea Shepherd for over 10 years.
But I'm going for Punk Police. Only yesterday a venue owner said that I didn't look like a punk, dressed as I was for my day job as a teacher. He didn't recognise me as the same guy photographing bands in my other uniform of DMs, black jeans and a band T shirt.
If punk was ever about how you look, it's not now, but the punk police will still tell you what to wear and who to listen to. I can really relate to this track. Below is a video I made on my 'phone at Roadmender. I don't get to take my real camera to venues like that as there are other sorts of police that mean that only 'official' photographers get to take decent gear in. Well, maybe one day...
So Punk Police, from a stunning album.